Every player, every part, every script from exquisite Beauty to the darkest of dark thoughts and deeds beyond imagination … is YOU. Every forest and mountain, field and valley, every animal, bird, fish and insect … its all YOU. Every concept, idea and dream, every manifested thing or circumstance … its all YOU. Every planet, star, galaxy and universe … its all YOU.
Dreams within dreams within dreams painted on the blank canvas of YOU, appearing, growing, thriving, fading and dissolving … its all YOU.
There is no thing you have not done or been, in the endless circle of dreaming. And yet YOU - the ONE SELF have gone no where as there ‘is’ no where to go. YOU - the ONE SELF Who is without another is Nothing - Empty - Perfect - Still - Silent within infinite possibilities lying timelessly as seeds, then sprouting into the illusion of something to taste and savour and then released back into nothing-ness.
Its all YOU.
BOOKS by John McIntosh