Enormous interest and effort are expended toward searching for the secrets of the universe, both in the halls of pragmatic science and the subtle contemplative life of spirituality. The question to ask is this: “Why … how does this bring one to the Freedom they Are?” From the vast grandeur of the seemingly endless cosmos to the microcosmic wonder of the subatomic world the universe is always changing and anything that changes is birthing and dying in each moment – as such it has no ‘real’ existence since Truth is unchanging.
The universe is a ‘thought’, which manifests in each moment, disappearing entirely when you fall into deep dreamless sleep only to return through memory and imagination tied to your unique conditioning when you re-awaken into your daytime dream. It is no ‘less’ a dream than is your personal identity and the experiences you call ‘life’.
None of it is real. Nevertheless, it ‘is’ happening within the ONE Consciousness or SELF You Are and being experienced by the SELF … the ‘experience’ itself ‘is’ Real – NOT what is being experienced. The only ‘search’ of real value [which is not a seeking, which suggests separation], is the discovery of the Real YOU – the SELF You Are. That discovery is made ‘within’, not ‘out there’ by dissecting and analysing dreams. However, if investigating the universe [or any dream within the Grand Dream] resonates with you, then for now … it ‘is’ part of your pathless-path HOME.
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John, Sadguru is saying what you are saying - precisely - about being completely free, as the True Self, though he also integrates 'dreamaking' as essential to realizing 'our' immortal timeless nature. The "Rich" he convinces 'us' of is the same as yours, with this significant difference. Getting Rich Is Easy" | START DOING THIS TODAY! Sadhguru Brendan, has done a great job of academically arguing (as a lawyer) that we are all one. The emergence of universal consciousness: Brendan Hughes at TEDxPretoria
The Individual & Society
"Can we together think the absolute need of a good society? The society is what we are, society doesn’t come into being mysteriously, it is not created by god; man has created this society with all the wars and all that is going on. We don’t have to go into all the horrible details of it. And that society is what we are, what each human being is. That is fairly obvious. That is, we create the society with all its divisions, with its conflicts, with its terror, with its inequality, and so on and so on and so on, because in ourselves we are that, which is: in our relationship with each other we are…
May I say John, Labeling something "real" vs unreal overlooks the indivisible unity of 'experiencing,' which is indivisible and the only constant in the whole of conscious (as you repeatedly cite). I agree, a lack of Self-Awareness of 'this' indivisible unity is delusional. Yet, if you criticize 'others' for being curious about how 'this' is occurring, that's just another 'divisive' dreamt idea, wherein all others are inseparable from 'you.' I'd say, the whole is awakening to its Self. i.e., You - yourself - are analyzing, labeling, and polarizing by doing what you say not to do? With All Love, Sperry