Books by
John McIntosh
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THE AFTERMATH – The SHIFT into an Era of Peace and Light
A Great SHIFT has been occurring for over a hundred years now as a dysfunctional masculine patriarchal phase crumbled and an era of Peace and Light began to emerge. This is a phase where masculine and feminine influences are relatively balanced and what most of humanity would call ‘peace’ unfolds. This is NOT ‘real’ Peace since that does not dwell in the illusion of opposites that the belief in separation manifests. However, it does afford an expanded environment that is conducive to remembering Who You Really Are … the ONE SELF as this little handbook will explain.
THE GRAND DREAM - You Have Been Dreaming, Its Time To Wake Up
This little handbook will point to the HOW of living IN the dream but not OF it. There have been numberless books and countless teachings both ancient and recent offered on the one Purpose for incarnating within the Grand Dream -to remember the ONE SELF YOU Are … this one will be brief, simple and clear and if it is your destiny to cross the bridge into your Freedom, you will find a crossing within these pages
HOW SUFFERING LEADS TO FREEDOM - The Transition out of Deep Sleep to Liberation
‘Suffering’ comes about as a result of ‘resisting’ something that is undesirable such as physical, emotional or mental ‘pain’. It arises from the belief in ‘victims’, which in turn comes about due to the widely accepted belief in ‘separation’ … that is, that the Universe and all that is in it is ‘not’ ONE but many.
This little handbook will briefly, clearly and simply explain how Suffering is a ‘blessing in disguise’ and that it inevitably leads you to the ‘Freedom’ You Are ‘as’ this ONE SELF.
One of AMAZON'S #1 New Release in 45-Minute Self-Help Short Reads
There is a break-through of Awareness occurring throughout all of humanity as what most have believed was how the world works dissolves through a series of pre-planned events designed to manifest a One World Order.
The extreme fear, anxiety, stress and suffering being caused by a fake pandemic and the Deep State perpetrators behind it, are ‘without their intention’ bringing about a Mass Awakening that has never been known on this planet before.
For some ... this Awakening will ultimately lead to total Freedom - remembering Who They Really Are - the SELF.
“THE GREAT SHIFT – Explained”
One of AMAZON'S #1 New Release in 45-Minute Self-Help Short Reads
You have been dreaming and the dream has been very deep and totally convincing … so much so that everything that is happening in your world right now looks and feels very ‘real’. Very, very few actually ‘see’ through this illusion but there is a Great SHIFT occurring now that will allow many more to see.
This brief eBook will explain What is happening and Why its an enormous GIFT and How to navigate this Great SHIFT.
... explains in very simple terms exactly HOW to wield and manifest all your Life experiences consciously through The Creator’s Formula. In other words, HOW to make your Dreams Come True.
In PART TWO you will discover how to shift from the Magician to the Master You Really Are.
NOW is another name for Pure Conscious Awareness … NOT a tiny fraction of time. Within the simple sketch of the Descending and Ascending spiral of Conscious Awareness outlined in this book, the essence is that - All is Well - Nothing is Broken and Nothing is a Mistake.
YOU ARE GOD - Its Time To Shine - Humanity is experiencing a profound Transformation of Consciousness from the belief in separation through time and space and limitation to an age of Peace and Light, wherein Oneness [Who You Really Are], Abundance, Joy, Love, Peace, Freedom and Beauty, may more easily become an actual living experience.
Now, in this emerging age everyone, whether they are aware of it or not, are being exposed to higher and higher frequencies of Light that are literally tearing apart their concept of reality.
In this lofty conscious environment it is and will become increasingly possible for one to ‘Realize’ that there ‘is’ only ONE SELF [God] and They are IT. This book reveals this dynamic SHIFT by one who has crossed the bridge into this ‘Knowing’.
This little Handbook will explain the simple and direct route to Freedom ... to the God [SELF] you Really Are
... is a a compilation of John's regular Blog articles related to Self Discovery/Inquiry and the Freedom [SELF] YOU Really Are. This is an ongoing series of books. You will find samples of these Blog articles on the BLOG page of this Website [please see navigation bar above]
"I'm reading a book by John McIntosh and have discovered he is the most profound writer I've come across in many years." - Deanna Lockhart
"I just completed 2 of your books, the last one...You Are God ... there are no words to describe how much Joy it’s given me and the other one, Self Discovery! It’s given me the exact tools I was so desperately needing."
"Got YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD yesterday and read before sleep and drifted off so wonderfully!"
- Mary Virginia Pembleton
"I found in your book YOU ARE GOD the meaning of I AM That I AM." -CKacz
"You are as clear and direct a teacher as I've come across,
at a time when my focus is solely on liberation." - Alex Alioto