NOTE: This article will help to kick off this Forum Category

The first thing to ‘get’ … to really ‘get’, is that everything is about
YOUR OWN FREEDOM … ‘until you are Truly Free’.
The most common expression people have when they begin to sense the Truth is to immediately go out and try to ‘fix’ others and the world instead of just standing in the fire at their feet as it begins to rise.
If you go to a fire with a water gun you will have almost no influence on the flames at all. If you remove the oxygen from the fire it goes out immediately
The first example is the effect you have while you are still not Free and the second when you ‘are’ free.
It’s ‘always’ about your own Freedom first!
When we attempt to ‘fix’ others we are trying to ‘control’ the fire instead of letting it burn … we don’t realize that this fire only burns what is NOT real.
We are so used to try to calm things down so we can ‘think’ clearly.
‘Thinking’ is NOT the way to Truth – ‘FEELING’ is the way and we NEED the fire for that to occur.
So we point at what the other person is doing or what ‘they’ are doing to cause trouble in our life, whether microcosmically or worldwide.
The ‘mind’ in its current state represents our ‘identity’ - Who we believe we Are, with all our limitations, guilt, shame, remorse, fear and all our arrogance, learned facts and experience. It’s a cocktail of fear and pride …
When we try to ‘fix’ our world with this cocktail we bring both extremes to the party and meet enormous resistance from others who have their own version of the same cocktail … this means we believe it’s always about OTHERS not you and this DOES NOT WORK.
When we finally understand that the fire is our friend, the chaos, the craziness, the anger and terror of it all … that It’s is our friend [not endorsing it but seeing the MIRROR in it] then we have ‘BEGUN’ to discovery Who we Are.
We turn everything ‘inside out’ with this kind of response to others and the world:
-what does this anger in the clerk in the store today have to do with what’s hidden in me?
-what does the lack of appreciation I received at work today from my boss have to do with stuff hidden in me?
-what does the destruction of Mother Earth have to do with issues deeply hidden within me?
-what does the misuse of our financial system by bankers have to do with things I have been afraid to look at within myself?
… you get the idea, fill in the most upsetting things for you that you can think of about others and the world then turns them ‘inside out’ as a MIRROR of your own ‘blocks to the Awareness of WHO you Truly Are’.
This is a very HOT FIRE because as it burns away what is NOT you there comes a terrible fear of dying … not in the physical sense although that feeling will come too but in the sense of your IDENTITY … who you have believed you are.
If it doesn’t shock you over and over again you have not gone deep enough. It will disgust you, repel you, insult you and cause enormous guilt and self-hatred … let all that come up and stay in the fire.
Then when you have fully FELT these feelings – EMBRACE all of IT … its ALL God, ALL THAT IS … it’s all Perfect and what you as the God you Are wanted to experience BUT ARE NOW DONE WITH.
This IS the pathless path to your Freedom to the Truth of Who You Are.
The other way is a merry-go-round and leads nowhere but endless frustration.
YOU MUST LOSE THE ‘MIND’ – THE IDENTITY if you Truly wish to be FREE
And You will ‘never’ change your UNIQUE world until you are Truly FREE.
When you are Truly Free you will discover the world ‘you’ experience has ‘already changed’ without you ‘doing anything’
Feel free to post about the MIRRORS in your world. Discuss what you feel they mean or ask others what they feel. REMEMBER ... its about the Feeling beneath the story.
In the world most people now experience triggers are everywhere. This is due to the intense Light now bathing the planet and humanity. What was invisible or subtle causing slight disturbances before, now triggers extreme anger, judgment, hatred, rage, panic, deep shame, guilt and remorse and most of all unworthiness in many disguises.
These triggers are huge blessings and can no longer be ignored or avoided.