YOU, the ‘real’ YOU, is, the ONE SELF … another word for Love, Beauty, Abundance, Freedom, Peace and Joy … all-encompassing, unbounded, unconditioned and ever-Present.
Currently, while the belief in separation prevails, a myriad of fear-based concepts that emanate from this belief, serve to ‘veil’ this ONE Reality from IT/YOUR SELF, at best seeming to place IT ‘outside’ and ‘far away’ with names like God, Christ, Buddha, Brahman and many others.
When suffering, which is ‘resistance to ‘What Is’, is experienced – ‘always’ – ALWAYS … it is an opportunity to dissolve one of these veils. A heart attack for example, is an ‘opening’ in these veils and many who have experienced one have said they were never the same … often softer, gentler and more ‘available’ to the ‘voice within’.
When eventually ‘surrender’ is chosen over resistance, this ‘opening’ remains open and EXPANDS allowing the Light of Truth to shine ‘from’ YOU ‘to’ YOU – NOT on YOU from outside … there ‘is’ no outside since everything that ‘seems’ to be is occurring ‘within’ the ONE SELF YOU Are.
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh