As you read these words, you are dreaming - dream words. This reading ‘you’ is also a dream. So what is ‘behind’ the dream and the dreaming?
Awareness [ONE SELF] watches the dreamer IT has dreamed into ‘being to experience IT SELF. IT is dispassionate about the dream narrative … the phantom dreamer experiences the roller coaster of emotions from happiness to sorrow. Awareness is empty-nothing but with infinite potential … that ‘can be observed’ as a dream or illusion. When an aspect of Awareness steps into the dream and forgets IT SELF, IT seems to ‘be’ the dreamer identifying as IT does with the illusion. This identification is what ‘grounds’ IT firmly into the dream as a participate of it.
In order to leave this sleeping experience the dream must become intolerable and herein lies the ‘blessing’ of an ‘insatiable frustration’ with the dream that no ‘new dream’ can quench. Embrace this experience ‘when it arrives’ [as it surely will] … it is the door-less door to your Freedom.
BOOKS by John McIntosh