Choose Love
Choose to be Open Hearted – NO MATTER WHAT
Choose to greet each one you meet with a smile that they may feel safe and loved
Choose to be generous, never counting the cost or looking for compensation
Choose to live spontaneously as a child
Choose to be kind, shining the Light YOU ARE to all
Choose to be grateful for everything no matter the size or how your experience shows up
Choose to live authentically and transparently
Choose to embrace fear knowing that fear cannot exist in the environment of Love
Choose to laugh out loud and to cry whenever you feel for it, never holding back
Choose to Love ALL creation no matter how it shows up ... being ONE as the God YOU ARE
Above all choose to Love the SELF YOU ARE
Choose Love
AMAZON #1 New Release(s) in 45-Minute Self-Help Short Reads - by John McIntosh
“MASS AWAKENING - What’s Really Happening - 2020 - 30 minute Synopsis”
“THE GREAT SHIFT ‘explained”- The World You Have Known Is Collapsing. Here Is Why It’s a GIFT