Many in spiritual circles speak of dimensions, activations, upgrades and a host of ‘evolutionary’ changes that are or may occur if you follow certain procedures and at the precise right times and even places. Many of these statements sound very appealing and millions follow the suggestions offered. All so-called paths do eventually lead to the Freedom [SELF] You Are … but in clock time this can be a very, very long route as whatever seems to be ‘in’ the Grand Dream is NOT real and never ‘about’ an evolution from someplace called ‘here’ to another place called ‘there’ … YOU have never ‘gone’ anywhere and have never and can never ‘change’.
Ultimately, one finds their way to the pathless-path or direct route Home to the full Awareness of the SELF through Self Inquiry/Surrender where the conditioning that brought the illusion of time and space tied to evolution dissolves along with the dream of separation. The SELF does NOT evolve … IT simply returns in ITs ever=Present Perfection to the full Awareness of IT SELF.
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