To the body-mind-identity [false self] the world is a very dangerous place. For this reason, it seeks safety through education, money, influence, personal development, physical fitness and many other sources it believes will give it some degree of ‘control’ over its environment and experiences. It doesn’t know that Real safety lies in ‘vulnerability’ and complete ‘surrender’ to ‘what is’.
Genuine un-conditioned Love always radiates the feeling of safety and this extends far beyond the narrow margins of physical, emotional and mental boundaries. True safety is ‘complete’ and emanates throughout your entire Being even in the presence of what the false self calls danger. It is the calm certitude of the SELF that ‘knows’ IT is not a body-mind and that though it may occupy this instrument of navigation through the Grand Dream, that the Love ‘essence’ IT ‘is’ surrounds every moment.
The un-conditioned Love of the SELF is consistent, inspiring the necessary ‘trust’ for complete surrender ‘to’ IT. In this vulnerable state attachment to the flimsy stage-props of the world-dream fall away and empty handed you fall into the arms of the Real safety of the SELF You Are. This Love is Your one and only True identity and cannot be known with the mind. It is recognized ‘by’ IT SELF ‘as’ IT SELF as you ‘let go’ of all personal attempts to ‘control and handle’ your Life experience.
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