This book is the 6th in the 'Navigating The New World' series in which a collection of John’s daily articles about Self Discovery are assembled.
Beyond words and thought. If you have been searching for Truth and are weary and feel you cannot take another step, then you are ready for John’s books. In the writings of this individual instrument of God, I came to the end of my 50 year search. - Rod Spain
I'm reading a book by John McIntosh and have discovered he is the most profound writer I've come across in many years. - Deanna Lockhart
Thank you John, your wisdom has been the sacred oil in my lamp. - Pamela Jane Gerrand
There is such clarity and simplicity in your ability to communicate the Truth. - Christine Van Hoose
Very special thanks to the amazing and beautiful wisdom of John McIntosh. - Gary Grossberg
John's books will lead you home. - Julie Reynolds