There is a vast difference between an open mind and a closed mind. The closed mind will ‘hear’ nothing that does not resonate with whatever its beliefs are. Nothing is more closed than a mind that says: “This is the only way to salvation [by any name]. It is a very tight straight-jacket within a world that is already a tiny prison. An open Heart ‘is’ the ONE SELF.
-The open mind still has only an infinitesimally small awareness of Truth
-The SELF is beyond even the concept of Open-ness
-The mind functions through learned ignorance of facts, details and history
-The SELF is EMPTY and simply KNOWS when required
-The mind is puffed up or insecure
-The SELF is humility IT SELF, vulnerable but standing in absolute authority
-The mind has a myriad of beliefs
-The SELF has no belief – IT ‘knows’
-The mind waffles and is always changing and morphing
-The SELF never changes
-The mind is temporary and limitless
-The SELF is eternal and boundless
-The mind is ‘made-up’ of attachments, expectations and identifications tied to memory (past) and imagination (future], which are illusions
-The SELF is NOTHING and yet All That Is.
-image by Solveig Larsen
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