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Discord is never somehow ‘defeated’. All chaos, whether in the body or in one’s circumstances is a manifestation of the mind. Nothing shows up in your personal experience that ‘you’ [not YOU] did not project into it … ‘scenes’ written into the play of your life story. The body-mind-identity [false self] is a part of these projections as is the world and the entire universe … all very believable stories the SELF has stepped into to experience.

When illness, for example shows up in your body, no matter how small or great, it is a ‘projection’ only [usually below the radar of your awareness] … an amalgam of thoughts co-mingled with a ‘stew’ of your own unique conditioning [attachments, expectations and identifications] and designed to get your ‘attention’ so that you will turn inward. Few, as yet ‘get’ this and instead deal with the illness with a band-aid approach treatment – ‘out there’ rather than inside. This merely ‘shifts’ the energy to reappear elsewhere in your experience or terminates the temporary body you are wearing at the moment. This conditioning has NOT ‘gone’ anywhere and ‘will’ come again in some way until it is transformed back into nothing-ness.

Everything in your world experience is a ‘tug’ on your ‘attention’, gentle to shocking to nudge your attention inside and WILL NOT leave until you are fully Aware of the God You Are. This is the enormous blessing of discord.

John Question and Answer – Online

BOOKS by John McIntosh

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