Aspects of the Grand ‘Dream’ - the un-real
-you are stardust or energy
-you can improve yourself
-good and evil
-dimensions - 3D, 5D, etc.
-practices and disciplines that can help you evolve
-special teachers, gurus, masters, ET’s that can help bring you to Ascension
-you have had hundreds or thousands of lifetimes
-you are special and powerful
The ONE SELF - the Real
-is Perfect
-is the Real YOU
-is ONE, there are no parts or levels to ONE, except within the ‘illusion’ of the dream
-cannot be described being infinite [a frame cannot be placed around IT]
-is Love, Beauty, Abundance, Freedom, Peace, Truth and yet is still … indescribable
-is never NOT YOU [NOT the ‘me’ called an individual]
-seems to be veiled by the clouds of conditioning [attachments, expectations and identifications tied to memory (past) and imagination (future)
-can be ‘remembered’ only through Self Inquiry/Surrender
AMAZON #1 New Release(s) in 45-Minute Self-Help Short Reads - by John McIntosh
“MASS AWAKENING - What’s Really Happening - 2020 - 30 minute Synopsis”