The ‘dream’ is what most call reality. The ‘actors’ are everything ‘in’ the dream … people, places, things, circumstances – EVERYTHING. The ‘script’ is your conditioning that is ‘ready’ to be dissolved. The OBJECTIVE is your return HOME to the full Awareness of the ONE SELF You Really Are. The entire dream is orchestrated for that ‘one’ Purpose … all talk of one’s purpose is illusory and only constitutes another page in the ‘script’.
-The dysfunctional family you were born into
-The brutal relationships
-The poor health as well as all so-called accidents
-The financial ruin
-The empire building
-The higher education as well as all so-called titles
-The loss of credibility
-The incarcerations, imprisonments and slaveries
-The wars fought and won ‘and’ lost
-The degradation even unto living on the street
-The loss of loved ones
-The fear of everything … death, God [by any name], success ‘or’ failure
These are the drama/stories meant to trigger you so that you will eventually begin to look at what lies beneath them – guilt, shame, remorse and unworthiness – the prison clothes of ALL who sleep to the ONE SELF They Are.
LIFE: The Descent ‘from’ and Ascent ‘to’ the Awareness of Who’ You Really Are
BOOKS by John McIntosh