What most call education is what ‘Ramana’ refers to as ‘learned ignorance’. This involves the gradual accumulation of’ so-called ‘facts’ into a memorized archive used as a flimsy and highly flawed mechanism to navigate life … the world-dream most believe is reality.
Because this illusory world functions on a ‘teeter-totter’ of opposites born of the belief in separation, there is always conflict, chaos and confusion at some level as these opposing influences ‘compete’ with one another for dominion. Some call this good and bad [evil] or dark and light and go on with this delusion to describe them with various religious labels such as God and Satan to further separate, adding to the fear and anxiety that the ‘illusion’ of separation fosters.
The NEW education will embrace the INTUITIVE faculty that few [as yet] experience as their normal moment to moment guidance. This ‘conduit’ to Truth comes in ‘full blown’ [like a Mozart concerto] as complete, pristine and pure expressions without change or the arduous linear step-by-step drudgery used by the mind [false self]. While many say: “I will use my intuition to discern this or that …” that too is the fantasy of the mind speaking since the intuition does NOT respond to the mind’s direction. The intuition is spontaneous and while it is our natural state, has been smothered by the illusion of separation relegating IT to very infrequent bursts of insight, AHAs and satoris.
The Grand Dream [a movie scripted by thought] responds to ‘all’ thoughts that brings about new manifestations according to the degree of intensity of these three things: INTENTION + ATTENTION + PASSION. IF … one focuses these three aspects of the manifestation process ON the ‘expansion’ of the Intuitive faculty, IT ‘will’ indeed EXPAND and the NEW education WILL occur for those that do so. A whole NEW world will open to the one who makes this choice and will inevitably draw them HOME since INTUITION and HOME are facets in the diamond of the ONE SELF You Are.
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh