There is a guiding Light that perfectly integrates massive amounts of precise and perfectly aligned information for each one in each moment. That Light is called the INTUITION.
IT provides the flawless ‘where to go – what to do – what to say and to whom’ in every moment but is largely ignored in favor of the mind with its painfully slow operating system and myriad of conflicting facts.
Allowing the Intuition to guide one’s every moment requires total surrender ‘to’ IT and ‘this’ the mind [the false self] aggressively resists. Surrendering its so-called control is a terrifying proposition and it would rather ‘chance’ this highly faulty mechanism than trust the Voice Within that KNOWS.
Accessing the Intuition on an ongoing basis consciously, rather than relying on the periodic ‘flashes’ of insight it offers when one is ‘open’ [which is rare for most], simply requires a ‘focused and welcoming attention’ ON this powerful ally. When one chooses this pathless-path of vulnerability, navigating the Grand Dream this world is becomes enormously simpler.
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh