Truth is everywhere. Only the false self gives Truth a ‘location’, which is ever-Present. As an example, the great SHIFT has produced a giant mirror for ONE-ness through ‘mass communication’. Hidden in plain sight, it makes available ‘the Voice of Silence’ in a manner that the body-mind-identity does not instantly resist.
Each one’s unique world is sculpted precisely from their own conditioning reflecting ‘who they are NOT’, while alluding to Who They Really Are. The entertainment industry as well drops ‘hints’ about Truth [whether it was aware of doing it or not]. “The Force be with you” is perhaps one of the most recognized quotes of the last century, while fairy tales abound with metaphors about the dream the world.
The nudge of Truth comes through any available ‘chink in the armor’ of resistance to tug-at-the-sleeve of the slumbering God-SELF and stimulates the natural Divine Discontent inbred into every oblivious god who still sleeps in the Grand Dream. Suffering is the primary means of bringing the stubborn sleeper to the alter of Truth but ‘hints’ are everywhere and incessant as the ONE Awareness shakes IT SELF like a rag-doll until Freedom receives the focused Attention that will clear the ancient clouds of conditioning that have hidden Truth from IT SELF.
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