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Writer's picture: John McIntoshJohn McIntosh

Updated: Jan 20


REMEMBER: When the Grand Dream is discussed in any detail, it is an ‘out-picturing’ of an ongoing illusion … the way ‘cycles’ and ‘patterns’ manifest the play of ‘opposites’ within the belief in separation.


Today is the most significant moment in ‘recorded’ history [6,000 years] as a ‘turning point’ from dramatic imbalance to ‘relative’ balance or what the mind refers to as ‘peace’. Genuine Peace is NOT possible within the Grand Dream since its very existence is based upon this ‘play’ of opposites. However, when the pendulum reaches a major SHIFT moment [as is represented by the events of the ‘trigger-points’ of this day – January 20th, 2025] … the ‘appearance’ [to the mind] is of peace.


The ’imbalance that has dominated these last several thousand years has most recently [some 120+ years] been represented by the Deep State – a global tyranny that has had its tentacles imbedded in ‘every’ aspect of the world-dream. It has programmed the collective mind to such an extent that there has existed a ‘dream’ WITHIN the dream and for most, a world-view that is totally skewed with an unending and simmering anxiety, sense of hopelessness, chaos and angst around every corner


With the return of Donald Trump as President of the US [or so it seems – since he remained Commander in Chief these last 4 years behind the scenes of the fake government], this paralysis will ‘quickly’ [beginning in earnest today] dissolve and a NEW vision will emerge. This vision will seem like an ‘awakening’, but it will be an awakening from a dark dream to a Happy Dream – nevertheless, for most … still a dream.


Here Are a few things all of humanity will soon experience:

-Abundance on a level that has NEVER been experienced on a level playing field

-Health, that by comparison to the ‘nefarious’ big pharma narrative, will seem like a miracle as diseases on every level are neutralized and vitality experienced by all

-Energy that is clean and inexpensive

-Co-operation in every aspect of daily life replacing the ‘mantra’ of competition

-The end of war

-Blossoming of work that is Joy-filled as everyone begins to gravitate towards what fills their Heart with song

-A shift toward ‘inner-living’ where the True Purpose of Life begins to ‘feel’ more important than the ‘distraction, running and sedating’ lifestyles most of humanity has endured for eons

-In that regard the INTUITIVE aspect of one’s natural faculty will gradually replace the didactic memorization of facts and details [so called knowledge (but really just ‘learned ignorance’)] that grinds away at the Joy Life really can be


There are hundreds of other wonderful experiences [not just for Americans] the whole of humanity is about to begin having and can now look forward to in the very ‘near’ future – blossoming into a NEW way of Truly Living that ‘leans’ toward a Real Awareness of Who YOU Really Are – the ONE SELF.


-image by Solveig Larsen


SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh

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1 Komentar

I am so happy for this change even as a dream that it is I have friends who fear and hate this change thanks John

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