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Writer's picture: John McIntoshJohn McIntosh


A veil is like a thin screen that obscures what lies behind it. When colored, the effect is more concealing. A story, a specific circumstance, becomes a veil when held in the archives of the mind called memory. When emotions are added to the story, this colors the veil. Combined together, with many story-veils and this is called conditioning. Guilt, shame, remorse and unworthiness are the predominant aspects of conditioning, under which a myriad of story-veils flesh-out these ‘essences’ into narratives that the mind calls ‘life’.

It is these veils that hide the Truth … what is Real, Who You Really Are. In the absence of these veils the SELF experiences IT SELF as ONE. When veiled, the experiences are interpreted as ‘many’ fragments somehow linked together in a Grand Dream that seems to stretch into an infinite past and future. And so, the universe manifests as the garments that represent what most call reality.

At some point, the veils, the colors and the confusion they induce are recognized and the process of dissolving them begins … and that eventually [in clock time] leads to the full Awareness of the ONE SELF You Are. Even that great swath of time is just a story since you have never NOT been the ONE SELF.

-image by Solveig Larsen

SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh

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