When you ‘really’ KNOW that ‘the world is a dream’ … when its not just a common belief you share with others that are like-minded in some spiritual community, you will begin to rapidly ‘shed’ the conditioning that veils the SELF from ITs slumbering counterpart.
This KNOWING is often preceded by a feeling that ‘everything’ is beginning to look ‘surreal’. Empty streets and a growing abundance of wildlife everywhere is more than just a symptom of a global pandemic … it is the dream ‘undressing’ before eyes that have been long hypnotized. It is a visit ‘backstage’ to the theater of dreams where the stories and dramas that have dominated your life were made-up and played out as your own personal fantasy.
This is an ‘enormous blessing’ disguised as a highly inconvenient confinement from your normal activities and the delusional pursuit of happiness that never seems to arrive ‘unfettered’. If you take these strange new anomalies to be guide-posts to your inherent Freedom, it will ‘seek you out’ around every corner you once feared to turn into, and the REAL will soon encircle you in ITs Loving embrace.
-image by Solveig Larsen
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