When the physical body stops functioning … what happens? This has been the eternal question asked by humanity. It is asked usually in fear to some extent and as a result the actual event is avoided in whatever way possible. This is largely due to the fact that most believe that they ‘are’ the body-mind-identity. This is the great ‘deception’ fostered by most religious beliefs … indeed anyone who wishes to control.
When the body falls away the mind simply continues on in a more subtle sheath some refer to as the etheric body. Other names include astral body, mental body and causal body. Whatever beliefs have been held in the mind [that manifested the physical world], continue on in these subtler cloaks. If one believed in something called heaven, part of this new experience will include that. And, if they also believed in something called hell, and if they feared it and believed they so-called ‘deserved’ it, they will experience that as well.
Anything that held INTENTION to ATTENTION combined with PASSION … ‘will’ show up easily … more so than in the heavier frequency that the physical body environment had. Loved ones, friends, animals and many who seem very close but not in this last incarnation, will indeed show up. The ‘dream’ that is the universe-world-body-mind-identity … simply continues.
Eventually, this wandering entity finds its way ‘back’ in a physical body best suited to the ultimate destination – the remembrance of the True Self. And another round of dreaming with a new identity ensues. The amalgam of ALL these incarnations is called a ‘soul’ – an archive of all experience in the Grand Dream the ONE SELF has been having to experience Its infinite potential. In Its natural state IT is Nothing – Empty [but ‘with’ this infinite potential]. As our beautiful brother said: “Of myself, I AM nothing’.
The idea that one’s identity is separated continues for eons since ATTENTION is focused ‘outside’ – out ‘there’ in manifested experience. Until the dream, in a physical body or subtler body, becomes satiated with the endless loop of repeating dreams [stories], it will not turn within where Truth resides. This is what Silence is … not the absence of sound [although that could also be the case], but the absence of this ‘me’ entity.
The beliefs that have been the architect and sculptor of this infinite field of dreams are called ‘conditioning’ … desires that are made up of ‘attachments, expectations and identifications’, and it is the elimination of this conditioning that brings the SELF HOME to the full Awareness ‘of’ IT SELF. This entity called ‘me’ [in whatever incarnation] does not GO anywhere. It does not GET BETTER or ASCEND ‘into’ the Real SELF. It disappears altogether. This is what it means to “die before you die”. And this desolation simply REVEALS what has never been absent – the ONE SELF.
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh