Who is it that is searching for Freedom? Most would casually say: “I am … who else?” But who ‘is’ this ‘I” that they are speaking about? That is the single question that leads ‘to’ the Awareness of the Freedom that YOU already are and have always been …. beyond time. Who am I? … ‘is’ the question, that if pursued relentlessly will return the Awareness of the Real YOU back to IT SELF.
This question “Who am I?” seems to be asking for a ‘description’ of the ‘me’ that most believe they are … but that is not what is occurring. The fiction of a body-mind-identity or ‘person’ cannot be described because it does not exist, despite the compelling evidence that it does. This individual identity is the manifested foundation of all the suffering that humanity experiences because it is made-up out of the belief in separation … YOU are ‘not’ a separated Being, YOU Are ONE – the SELF wearing infinite costumes.
The question “Who am I?” shines Light on who you are NOT [this personal ‘me’]. It is used to hiding in plain sight and when exposed withdraws to where it arose from … the SELF. Ultimately, if you persist with this question related to any experience this phantom self seems to have, it will dissolve completely, leaving only the SELF. This ‘is’ Freedom.
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