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John is an author who 'points' toward who you are NOT so that Who You Really Are can be revealed
"John Is the most profound writer I've come across in many years." - Deanna Lockhart
"There is such clarity and simplicity in John's ability to communicate the Truth." - Christine Van Hoose
John rose to the top of the material world only to find that the Joy he sought was not to be found 'out there'. Turning his back on the wealth and influence he had achieved he dove into Self Discovery and after 15 years of standing in that fire realized his True Self.
John regularly posts articles on the Internet speaking about this simple 'pathless-path' and has written several books on the subject
"John is so very clear and his depth of spiritual truths so profound.
He understands the "eternal truths" independent of dogma and delusions." - Kathleen Olsson Nelson
"Johns posts are wonderful, but his books will lead you home!" - Julie Reynolds
"I'm reading a book by John McIntosh and have discovered he is the most profound writer I've come across in many years." -Deanna Lockhart
John McIntosh has taught and brought me to my knees in surrender… A place of understanding where I no longer look outside myself for truth. He is an amazing spiritual teacher. He has been one of my greatest influences in helping me to understand illness!!! Sometimes I have to reread what he writes, but when I resonate with it, a place of stillness opens up and the thoughts subside. We are All on a journey to love! I finally feel like I am waking up.
-Jackie Joy

John McIntosh
“I’ve been reading spiritual books for decades. I’ve read most of the best authors, but none has been as clear as John’s books.” - Rod Spain
Beyond The Mind
Welcome to my website where you will find a BLOG where you may review and comment on the many articles I publish on a regular basis on the THEME of SELF REALIZATION.
You will also find the BOOKS I have written on this subject, which are available in both soft cover and eBook formats. Hard cover and audio versions are also now being added.
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